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Adding Tazemetostat to the Usual Treatment for Melanoma
The purpose of this study is to find out if the study drug, tazemetostat, can keep your melanoma from getting worse. We also want to see if the study drug alone is better or worse than adding the study drug to the usual treatment.
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Comparing Single Dose to Multiple Doses of Radiation for Patients with Cancer that Has Spread to the Brain
The purpose of this study is to find out if there are less side effects when radiation therapy is given to small areas of brain cancer over several days compared to one day. We want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach.
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Study of the Drug AMG 355 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the study drug AMG 355. We want to see how well the study drug works for treating advanced solid tumors. We also want to learn more about the side effects that may be caused by the study drug.
Study Topics
Cancer Cancer: Colon, Rectum, Anus Cancer: Lung Cancer: Skin Cancer: Stomach and Intestines
Using the Study Drugs M1774 and Avelumab to Treat Merkel Cell Skin Cancer
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the study drug M1774. We want to see how well the study drug treats Merkel cell cancer when used alone and when combined with Avelumab. We want to find out if either approach is better or worse than the usual treatment.
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