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Testing the Study Drug CIN-102 for Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment
Diabetic gastroparesis is a condition where the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. The purpose of this study is to learn more about the study drug CIN-102 for treatment of this condition. We want to test the safety and possible side effects of this study drug.
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Studying Bone and Kidney Problems in Patients with Diabetes and Nerve Damage in their Feet
The purpose of this study is to learn how your kidneys affect the bones in your feet. We believe that healthy kidneys help keep your foot bones strong. Having diabetes and nerve damage can increase your chances of having kidney and foot problems. You will help us understand more about how they are related which will ultimately help us discover tests and treatments to prevent diabetes related foot problems.
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Learning More About Living with Darier's Disease
The purpose of this study is to understand why people with cystic fibrosis get diabetes. Both diseases are caused by changes in DNA and other molecules in the blood. These changes can cause thick mucus in the pancreas, which damages cells that make insulin, leading to diabetes.
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Genetic Disorders Lung Health Children, Infants, Teen Health Diabetes
Treatment Program for Food Addiction
The purpose of this study is to learn about a new program for food addiction. We want to find out if the program can help reduce food-related emotions and behaviors. This study does not require any in-person visits. Participation is online only.
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Mental Health Substance Use (Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, Tobacco) Weight, Metabolism, Nutrition Diabetes
A Study on the Effect of Blood Donation to Improve Diabetes
The purpose of this study is to find out if lowering your iron level can help with diabetes control. Your iron level will be lowered by donating blood. Taking part in this study will involve 7-10 visits and last about 18 months. Visits will include blood draws at each visit, and you will wear a glucose monitor on 3 occasions.
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Studying Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth
Type 2 diabetes is a health problem where the body has too much sugar in the blood. This study wants to find out what makes young people more likely to get this condition early. The information we learn will help us create future studies on how to stop and treat type 2 diabetes in young people.
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